
Please carefully read the LG user’s manual in case of questions. For further information or comments about LG please contact Maarten van Strien


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Landscape Generator (LG) is a program that generates raster maps of landscapes with a user-defined composition and configuration. Users can set target values of landscape metrics (criteria) that quantify landscape composition and configuration. These landscape metrics are comparable to the landscape metrics used in FRAGSTATS and comprise both class-level (i.e. referring to the composition or configuration of an entire land-use class) and patch-level (i.e. referring to the composition or configuration of a single land-use patch) metrics.

LG uses an optimisation algorithms to “find” landscapes of which the composition and configuration corresponds to the target values. It does so by iteratively swapping raster cells and determining whether the new landscape is an improvement with regard to the target values. For more details and information about the optimisation algorithms used in LG we refer to Slager (2011) and Slager and de Vries (2013).

LG Output

Publications using Landscape Generator